Monday, March 4, 2019

The best juice you can have is the freshly squeezed juice from any type of fruit or vegetable. You shouldn’t buy juice from the store because of all the chemicals it contains, and the sugar ( even if it is labeled “no sugar”). Your body will thank you if you drink fresh and healthy juice. The main thing here is to give you a reason why you should always put pear in your juice. Start from your next juice and feel the health benefits.
The pear is a sweet fruit that related to the apple (both are members of the pome family). They are about the size of an apple, also with several seeds in the core. Most pear varieties have paper-thin skins which are not easy to peel. The skins vary in color—yellow, green, brown, red, or a combination of any of these colors.
The light color flesh of pears is juicy, sweet and usually mild. Its texture is usually soft and buttery, though some varieties have grainy flesh.
We usually think of pear as bell-shaped, they can also be round.
Among all the variety of pears, the Chinese pear is known to have the most medicinal values. Nonetheless, the other varieties are also healthful in their own right.
Pears are in season during the summer months from mid June to September, depending on the variety and latitude at which they are grown.
Pears are an excellent source of water-soluble fiber. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, folate and niacin.
They are rich in minerals such as copper, phosphorus and potassium; with lesser amounts of calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur.
Some variety have more iron content than others. This can be seen when a cut pear turns brown. If it doesn’t turn brown, it means that the iron content is very low or non-existent.
Pears are often recommended as a hypo-allergenic fruit that is high in fiber but less likely to produce adverse reactions. Pear juice is healthy, mild and safe to be introduced to infants diet.
Here are some of the powerful health benefits of pear:
Blood pressure: Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and stroke.
Cancer prevention: The high vitamin C and copper content mean that pears are good anti-oxidants, protecting cells from free radical damage.
Cholesterol: The high pectin content of pears make them ideal for lowering cholesterol levels.
Colon health: When not juicing, eat the pear whole for its precious fiber, ideal for a light colon cleanse.
Constipation: The pectin in pears is diuretic and give a mild laxative effect. Drinking pear juice regularly helps regulate bowel movement.
Energy: The high fructose and glucose content in pear juice make it a great natural source of almost instant energy.
Fever: The cooling effect of pear is great for relieving the symptoms of fever. A glass of pear juice is an excellent great way to bring a fever quickly.
Immune booster: The anti-oxidants in pears are critical in building up your immune system. Drink pear juice when you feel a cold coming.
Inflammation: Pear juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve pain.
Osteoporosis: Pears contain high level of boron. Boron helps the body to retain calcium, thus helps prevent osteoporosis.
Pregnancy: The high folate content prevents neural tube defects in infants.
Shortness of breath: The summer heat may cause children to have shortness of breath and excessive phlegm. Drink pear juice during this period to help clear the phlegm.
Throat problem: Pears are in season during the summer for a reason. Drinking pear juice every morning and night helps to cool your body down. It also nourishes the throat and helps prevent throat problems.
Vocal chord: Cube and boil two Chinese pears (picture above) with some raw honey and drink warm. This will soothe the throat and vocal cords.
To enjoy the health benefits of pear, here are my consumption tips:
Choose firm, deep colored pears. Let them sit for a few days, if necessary, until they dent a little when pressed lightly, like an avocado does. To hasten the ripening process, simply put them in a paper bag and leave at room temperature.
Once ripe, store in the refrigerator where they can remain fresh for a few days. Over-ripe pears are mushy and are not suitable for juicing. Always maintain the general rule of eating as fresh as possible.
Store away from strong-smelling foods as they tend to absorb odors.
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You need to rebalance your hormones and create a healthy environment for your body. Many women suffer from PCOS and many don’t know how to find the cure, or they seek a short term solution. It is always best to treat the problem until it is fully cured and not just temporarily. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal imbalance condition affecting about 5 to 20 percent of women of childbearing age.
The term “polycystic” means that a woman’s ovaries have multiple (poly) small cysts on them. These cysts are not harmful (benign) but lead to an imbalance of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. PCOS can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility and appearance.
Despite what the name implies, however, not all women with PCOS have visible ovarian cysts.
Causes of this condition may be genetics, environmental factors or a faulty diet and prolonged stress. There is an abnormally high level of male sex hormones androgens, compared to female hormones (called hyperandrogenism). High levels of male sex hormones prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg each month, thus causing irregular menstruation and infertility.
Many women are not properly diagnosed as the symptoms closely mimic those of other hormonal disorders such as thyroid disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.
PCOS symptoms can vary from woman to woman.  Common and most frequently found symptoms of PCOS include:
Irregular periods—menstrual intervals longer than 35 days, with fewer than eight menstrual cycles a year
Excess androgen (male sex hormones)
Polycystic ovaries—enlarged ovaries that may contain numerous small fluid-filled sacs that surround the eggs. Despite the name, some women don’t have a single ovarian cyst.
Infertility or difficulty conceiving due to lack of ovulation
Insulin resistance—may be related to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
Unwanted facial and chin hair growth
Patches of darkened skin on the back of neck, underarms, between breasts and in the groin area (called Acanthosis Nigricans)
Thinning of hair
Mood swings
Acne or skin tags
Sleep apnea and insomnia
Pelvic pain
Most doctors usually prescribe birth control pills that are hormone-based to help regulate menstrual cycles. Although it may help to induce menstruation, they really don’t solve any problems but rather just masking the symptoms.
In fact, birth control pills are damaging to the liver and can cause more side effects to one’s health! These pills continuously raises estrogen levels in the body with synthetic hormones that does the opposite of what it’s supposed to do.
PCOS is a very complex condition, where it is different from woman to woman. The critical factor is the ratio of female hormones to the male hormones that need to be in the right proportion/balance. The best approach is to understand some of the causes of the condition individually, and do the opposite of what caused the problem in the first place!
Lifestyle Changes To Remedy PCOS
Detoxification: Many health problems begin in the gut. Detoxification should be one of the first things to consider doing to reverse any health conditions, starting with a gastrointestinal cleanse. Here is a comprehensive list of articles that cover every aspect of a complete detox.
Reduce Both Physical and Psychological Stress: Your body doesn’t know whether you are undergoing physical or psychological stress. When you’re stressed, your body produces adrenaline to increase your heart rate. Prolonged stress activates cortisol—the primary stress hormone that suppresses the immune system and cause other hormonal issues. Learn to manage down your stress level.
PCOS can cause insomnia. Yet, not having sufficient sleep can further cause negative effects on your hormone health. It is a vicious cycle but it’s something that you need to overcome. Do whatever you need to do and try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night at the appropriate time.
Appropriate Exercises: High intensity exercises cause stress to the body that increases oxidative stress. If you have PCOS and are exercising extensively in order to lose weight, then you may want to reduce such exercise to prevent your adrenals from being overstimulated. Consider balance and low-impact workouts instead. If you don’t usually include exercise in your daily routine, walking is a good way to benefit your health.
Avoid Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors: You can’t completely eliminate exposure to endocrine disruptors, but if you know what they are and where they are hiding, you can avoid most of them. Endocrine disruptors are harmful chemicals that can mimic naturally-occurring hormones such as estrogen, disrupting the production of your natural hormones.
Foods And Supplements That Help PCOS
Eliminate Processed Foods: It is essential to avoid eating processed foods as they inhibit healing to your body, so no matter what you do, you will find that you cannot breakthrough. Processed foods mean foods that have been processed such that they no longer look like what it originally was. Avoid all flour and sugar products, corn syrup, processed and cured meats, canned foods, pasta and other packaged foods.
Just one cup of coffee a day can cause release of extra cortisol. So if you have PCOS, quit drinking coffee daily. Caffeine has been shown to increase levels of estrogen in some woman.
Eat a Nutrient-Dense Diet: You’re already overwhelmed with PCOS in general and now you’re learning you should watch your food intake. You may feel like you want to skip this step but don’t. When dealing with PCOS, your body is extremely sensitive to sugar and carbs. There’s no need to deprive yourself but you need to be careful when it comes to sugar intake.
Most women who have PCOS have elevated testosterone. Avoiding dairy is necessary as it can raise testosterone levels even more, as well as interfere with hormones.
Loading up on green leafy vegetables is essential as they contain high amounts of nutrients that help nourish your body back to health—just what you need! If you have to eat meat, opt for organic grass-fed meat that are not injected with hormones.
Vitamin D: Many women with PCOS are deficient in Vitamin D. Having adequate levels of Vitamin D can improve hyperandrogenism, fertility, insulin resistance, and mood. The common dosage is 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily with or without food. Ask your doctor to run a blood test first to see where your levels are at.
Magnesium: Many women struggling with PCOS are magnesium-deficient. When you have extremely low magnesium levels, you are more at risk for insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease.
The recommended daily intake of magnesium is between 350 and 400 mg. However, Dr. Mercola suggests that 700 mg may be more suitable for some people, especially if you’re dealing with certain symptoms such as diabetes, insulin resistance, anxiety, bowel disease, depression fatigue, and insomnia. Again, it’s ideal to check with your doctor before you double the recommended intake to see where your levels are at currently.
Adaptogen herbs: These are a class of herbs that can help promote and regulate hormonal balance and protect the body from the effects of prolonged stress. These herbs may be useful for treating PCOS: ashwagandha, tulsi (holy basil), maca root and these other herbs.
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Cucumbers and tomatoes in the same salad is delicious, but dangerous. You probably didn’t know this. You should never mix together these two vegetables and the reason will shock you. Some ingredients don’t go together in a salad, such as a combination of tomatoes and cucumber. Each of these vegetables has different digestion time, and according to Ayurveda, we must know the exact digestion time of each food we eat before mixing ingredients together.

Combining ingredients that have a fast and slow digestion is not a good idea as the lighter ingredient will end up passing in the intestine just as the first one is completely digested. This will result in fermentation of the food in your stomach that may poison your whole body. It will lead to slow digestion and fermentation of sugars and starches, and won’t allow you to enjoy your meal as you should. Besides this, the process of fermentation can also cause gasses, swelling and pain in the stomach as well as intestinal problems.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are not compatible with each other and should never be consumed together. When they reach the stomach and the process of fermentation starts, the acid released in the abdominal cavity for digestion can cause numerous digestive problems. Here are some other food combinations you should never try:

Eating fruit after meals is not a good idea – fruits need a lot of time to be digested and should never stay long in the stomach. Eating them after a meal will result in “wine” in your stomach that can lead to acid reflux and other digestive problems.

People usually add fruit to their bowl of yogurt for breakfast, but this combination will slow down your digestion and harm your intestinal flora. This especially goes for adding pineapple to your yogurt, which boosts the active ingredients that cause food poisoning.

Vegetables and cheese is another no-no combination – eating it will only result in bloating.

You should never mix bread or noodles with orange juice as the acid content required to digest the juice can destroy the enzyme responsible for starch digestion.

Many people love eating bananas and milk, but this combination will significantly slow down your digestion.

Mac and cheese is a popular meal in the USA, but one that should be avoided nonetheless. Macaroni are rich in starch, which has a different digestion time than protein, so the delay will lead to inevitable fermentation and further digestive problems. The same goes for macaroni and meat.

Meat and cheese omelet is a favorite meal of millions, but you should avoid putting too much protein on the same dish. Choose only one type of protein per meal.

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Overnight oats are the best meal for boosting your weight and letting your body work for you burning the fat very quickly. This is the best secret to boosting your weight abilities. Oats is a quick, healthy, and nutritious breakfast that will help you to start the day in a right way. It contains fiber and many other nutrients that will significantly improve your health.
There are different types of oats and they provide different nutrients. Steel oats are considered as the least processed type, so they are most difficult to prepare.
Some people prefer rolled oats because they are not processed like instant oats, but more processed compared to steel cut oats. What I’m trying to say is that the more processing there is, the fewer nutrients the oats have. So, rolled oats are considered as a happy medium since they are easier to prepare compared to steel cut oats and provide more nutrients than instant oats.
Overnight oats recipes can help you to save a lot of time. As you can see by its name, you should prepare the oats the night before, and eat them in the morning. This will help you to avoid the morning rush.
Why Should You Eat oatmeal to Lose Weight?
Oatmeal are an excellent source of fiber, an essential nutrient for improving digestive health. Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day. It supplies your body with energy that will help you get through the day. Overnight oats will boost your energy and will supply your body with fiber that can control your appetite. Fiber will boost your metabolism as well.
However, if you want to obtain the best results, make sure to exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet.
You can choose some of the overnight oatmeal recipes below! Check them out!
Raspberry, Almond, and Coconut Overnight oatmeal
This recipe is for one serving.
Needed Ingredients:
-½ a cup of rolled oats
-½ a cup of unsweetened coconut milk
-½ a cup of raspberries (frozen ones work well too)
-1/8 teaspoon of almond extract
-1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
-1 teaspoon of raw honey
-1 teaspoon of shredded coconut
-½ a tablespoon of sliced almonds
Add the oatmeal, raspberries, milk, cinnamon, extract, and raw honey in a pint size glass mason jar. Stir the ingredients in order to combine them. Place a lid on the jar and refrigerate overnight. It is recommended to keep it in the fridge for 2-3 days. Once you are ready to serve, add the almonds and coconut. Make sure to stir well then you can serve.
Nut Butter and Banana Overnight oatmeal
This recipe is for all those who like peanut butter. As with the first recipe, this one does not include cooking or baking. Just mix the ingredients, place it in the fridge and leave it overnight.
Needed Ingredients:
-½ cup of rolled oats
-½ a cup of almond milk
-2 tablespoons of nut butter of choice
-½ a ripe banana
-1 tablespoon of unsalted nuts of choice
First, pour the milk into a jar. Stir the nut butter into the milk until it is combined. Add the rolled oatmeal and the thinly-sliced banana. Stir well the ingredients in order to combine them. Place the lid on the jar and refrigerate it overnight. In the morning, stir the oatmeal and add the almond milk. Sprinkle the nuts on top and serve.
Blueberry Walnuts Overnight oatmeal
This recipe is a delicious healthy breakfast. As with the previous recipes, you should prepare in the same way.
Needed Ingredients:
-½ cup of rolled oats
-½ a cup of coconut milk (or milk of choice)
-½ cup of frozen blueberries
-1 teaspoon of chia seeds
-1 tablespoon of maple syrup
-1 tablespoon of crushed walnuts
Mix all the ingredients in a mason jar. Stir well until the oatmeal are thoroughly coated in liquid. Place the lid on the jar and refrigerate it. In the morning, you should stir in a little coconut milk to in order to loosen up the oatmeal.
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Use this homemade fertilizer and allow your flowers to bloom with the grace they have and the precious amazing colors. The flowers can make our day, they can make us feel relaxed and happy. If you have a garden, even a small balcony one, you need to know how to let your plants flower fast.
The houseplants also need our care and attention. The fertilizer we will teach you to make today, will guarantee the greatest care for your indoor plants and flowers. Although they are not exposed to the climatic changes, we must not forget, that being in a pot, they are not in its natural habitat. That is why they need special care. Today we want to show you how to make homemade fertilizer.
How to Make Homemade Fertilizer for Indoor Plants and Flowers
If you love gardening, you will enjoy making homemade fertilizer for your plants and flowers.
You will need to:
-10 grams of pressed yeast
-A spoonful of sugar
-One liter of warm water
1.Dissolve the yeast in the water, then add the sugar. Mix everything very well.
2.Let the preparation sit for at least 2 hours.
3.Dilute the solution in water. Uses a ratio of 1: 5.
4.Water your indoor plants and flowers with this fertilizer, once a month, in autumn – winter, and 3 times a month in spring-summer.
Yeast contains numerous compounds, such as phytohormones, vitamins of group B and auxins, which stimulate cell development, and therefore also the growth of the plant.
In addition, yeast feeds and stimulates the activity of microorganisms of the earth, and also raises the carbon dioxide content, and of macro and microelements, which greatly benefits the development of plant roots.
Making homemade fertilizers will bring you many benefits. This fertilizer is the one used by crop professionals.
Start making homemade fertilizers yourself, and within a few months you will notice the drastic change in your flowers and indoor plants.
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Many women have problems with ovarian cysts and they have to go to the doctor and undergo some treatments. What if we tell you that you can treat your ovarian cysts naturally and in a healthy manner?
When we go to the doctor and tell us that we have a fibroid or cyst, we are alarmed and the first thing that comes to mind is that we have cancer. However, we should not worry until we have a more accurate assessment.
The most frequent places in which these problems present themselves are the ovaries and the uterus, that is to say, that mainly affects the women. This does not mean that in some cases a man can not suffer from fibroids or cysts, only that it is rare.
The most frequent symptoms of the presence of fibroids or cysts in the uterus and ovaries are mild or moderate bleeding, frequent but gentle pains, and general malaise. It is advisable to go to the doctor for a thorough review and determine if they are fibroids, cysts or some other disease.
Many times, both small cysts, like fibroids, go away on their own. However, some of them may be housed for years in our ovaries or uterus. While they do not present any kind of discomfort, you can eliminate ovarian cysts through completely natural treatments and prevent future complications.
To eliminate ovarian cysts you will only need two simple ingredients, easy to acquire and extremely beneficial to the body.
This recipe balances the hormonal levels of the body and thus stimulates a natural removal of the cysts. It requires constancy, but the results are amazing.
The evergreen has anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic properties that, in combination with honey, help eliminate the encapsulated liquids in the cysts.
-300 g of evergreen leaves.
-500 gr of organic, pure honey.
Cut the evergreen leaves. If they are dry, you can crush them in a mortar until they leave them as powder, mix them with the honey and pour them in an airtight container of glass. Let stand for about 2 or 3 days before starting treatment. Store in a cool, dry place, away from exposure to the sun.
During the day, you should consume 3 tablespoons of this remedy to eliminate ovarian cysts and fibroids. The 3 tablespoons should be as follows:
-1 tablespoon on an empty stomach, half an hour before the usual breakfast.
-1 tablespoon in the afternoon, half an hour before the snack.
-1 tablespoon before bed. In this case, you can dissolve the spoonful in 200 ml of boiling water and consume it as a relaxing infusion.
If you want to get quick results you should continue the treatment for at least 20 consecutive days. During this period the smaller cysts will be removed. If you have a larger cyst, continue treatment for 45 days. After this time, rest two weeks and start again, if necessary.
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