In case cholesterol accumulates in excessive amounts in the arteries, it
narrows the lumen, which obstructs the proper blood flow.
This elevates the blood pressure and increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke.
Bad cholesterol is often treated by various conventional medications, but you can try some extremely effective natural remedies and treat the issue, without additionally endangering your health.
If you would rather restore your health naturally, via your diet, then, this remedy will be of great help. It will cleanse the blood vessels and prevent clogging, in order to protect you from angioplasty or bypass.
Here is the recipe:
Method of preparation:
The amounts given above are for a single dose. Just mix the ingredient in equal amounts in a bowl, over low heat. Make sure you stir from time to time, and remove it from heat after 30 minutes.
When the mixture is about 3 cups in quantity, cover the pan and leave it to cool. Afterward, add 3 cups of honey, to sweeten it, stir well once more, and store the remedy in a glass bottle.
You should take a tablespoon of the remedy on an empty stomach every morning. Its regular use will cleanse the blood vessels, prevent various cardiovascular issues, and support the general health.
This elevates the blood pressure and increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke.
Bad cholesterol is often treated by various conventional medications, but you can try some extremely effective natural remedies and treat the issue, without additionally endangering your health.
If you would rather restore your health naturally, via your diet, then, this remedy will be of great help. It will cleanse the blood vessels and prevent clogging, in order to protect you from angioplasty or bypass.
Here is the recipe:
- 1 cup ginger juice
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup onion juice
- 1 cup lemon juice
Method of preparation:
The amounts given above are for a single dose. Just mix the ingredient in equal amounts in a bowl, over low heat. Make sure you stir from time to time, and remove it from heat after 30 minutes.
When the mixture is about 3 cups in quantity, cover the pan and leave it to cool. Afterward, add 3 cups of honey, to sweeten it, stir well once more, and store the remedy in a glass bottle.
You should take a tablespoon of the remedy on an empty stomach every morning. Its regular use will cleanse the blood vessels, prevent various cardiovascular issues, and support the general health.
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