Saturday, February 9, 2019

Use the zeolite to detoxify heavy metals and radiation. It will not make you iron deficient but it will help you remove all the heavy toxins from your system. The safe removal of heavy metals is becoming one of the modern world’s greatest health issues. Heavy metals surround us; chemtrails, vaccinations, air, water and food, pollution, living or working near a smelter or mine, dental fillings and of course, the kingpin of all, fluoridated water. Hydrofluosilicic acid, the chemical often used to fluoridate drinking water, is an industrial waste that contains lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, benzene and radioactive waste material.

No one in the industrial world is untouched, and the effects of heavy metals are nothing short of frightening, with links to impaired brain and motor function, Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart disease and genetic defects.

Heavy metals can replace the body’s needed minerals, for instance, If there is a low amount of calcium in the body and lead is present, Lead will replace calcium in the bones, weakening them and causing osteoporosis. Lead also replaces calcium in the blood cells, damaging the blood and causing a severe form of anemia.

Mercury is one of the most toxic minerals known to man, and yet it is also one of the most common heavy metal’s used today. It’s even used in children’s vaccines as a preservative in the form Thimerosal.

The Natural mineral compound zeolite, specifically clinoptilolite – which is used in Pure Liquid Zeolites NCD2 – has the perfect structure for removing heavy metals and will do it quickly and safely.

Activated Zeolite is incredibly fast-acting and is completely removed from the blood in 5-7 hours and in turn, so are the trapped toxins and heavy metals. Zeolite is removed through normal bodily processes and due to it neutralising and removing toxic material it greatly reduces the burden on the liver and kidneys.

A full body detox to remove built up metals will take approximately 6-9 weeks depending on age, general health, diet and the accumulated amount of metals. There are always extremes in any situation of course, and it can take many months in some cases. The process however can be sped up dramatically when combined with green juice fasting, as seen in a pilot study by Dr Gabriel Cousens where 55 people with an average of over 800 different toxins, measured from the Liver, Breast and Brain, Achieved an average of 88% total toxin removal in 1 week. 100% removal was achieved in just 2 weeks from using this combination of max dose NCD2 Zeolite with a green vegetable juice fast protocol.

A full body detox to remove built up metals will take approximately 6-9 weeks depending on age, general health, diet and the accumulated amount of metals. There are always extremes in any situation of course, and it can take many months in some cases. The process however can be sped up dramatically when combined with green juice fasting, as seen in a pilot study by Dr Gabriel Cousens where 55 people with an average of over 800 different toxins, measured from the Liver, Breast and Brain, Achieved an average of 88% total toxin removal in 1 week. 100% removal was achieved in just 2 weeks from using this combination of max dose NCD2 Zeolite with a green vegetable juice fast protocol.

We hope you find this information helpful and you share it. Thank you!

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