Sunday, February 10, 2019

Beet and lemon juices are known in the natural healing world as good agents to help the liver with detoxification. “Lessons From the Miracle Doctors” author Jon Barron suggests using beets in particular to detoxify your liver periodically. However, Barron does not recommend using fruit and vegetable juices together. As with any matter concerning your body consult with health and nutritional specialists before starting any new diet or medical regimen.
You only have one liver and it is of the utmost importance to take care of it. Healthy liver cells are capable of regeneration; however, once diseased these cells do not regenerate according to literature provided by The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse Of course you could always try to get a liver transplant but finding a match could take many years.
Most liver cleanings are done by drinking only juices for several days. By choosing a variety of juice drinks, you can ensure that you get an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.
-2 lemons
-2 medium beets
-2 cups water
1.The first thing we have to do is wash our beets very well, raw, the husks of this vegetable are very thin, so it will not make it necessary to skin it, we are going to cut it into small boxes, put it in the blender, with the two cups of water.
2.After we have liquefied we proceed to paste only half of the smoothie, and we put together both parts and we add the juice of both lemons, you do not have to add sugar.
How to use
This juice is to be taken 3 times a day, for 7 days.
Importance of cleansing the liver
You only have one liver and it is very important to take care of it. Healthy liver cells are capable of regeneration; However, once these diseased cells are not regenerated according to the literature provided by the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Of course, you can always try to get a liver transplant, but finding a match could take many years.
Detoxification of the system has become a popular and common practice in many societies and in different ways around the world. The liver along with the skin, lungs and kidneys effectively detoxifies your body from biological wastes like ammonia, every second of the day. Some believe that it is important to help your body in this detoxification process by changing your diet and especially avoid avoiding all toxic habits.
Keep in mind that some environmental toxins may be unknown to you as agrochemicals and heavy metals in waterways that could contaminate your food supply.
Benefits of beet
Betabel also known as beet – has a dark red meat. There are other varieties, but crimson beets have the highest nutritional and medicinal value according to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2002 regarding beet pigments called betalins and their role in detoxifying the body by purging carcinogens .
A study published in the “World Journal of Gastroenterology” in March 2010, where betaine was used in liver diseased mice, supported the use of nutrition as a prevention and treatment for liver. Beet fiber or pectin is effective for the absorption of heavy metals and other toxins that are filtered by the liver and passed through the intestines.
Benefit of lemons
The medicinal properties of lemon have been known for centuries. It is probably one of the first natural remedies you grab when you have a cold or sore throat. The lemon is mainly composed of water and contains a large amount of the antioxidant vitamin C.
A 224 g serving of juice contains 225.24 g of water and 94.4 g of vitamin C. Due to its high acidity, lemon juice is effective in breaking down food in the digestive system, especially fats. In addition, according to a study from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, terpene, d-limonene contained in lemons can protect cells against cancer.
Use these juices as a regular part of your diet to keep your liver and digestive system in shape. Buy organic beets and lemons to avoid pesticides like nitrates, which are easily absorbed by fruits and vegetables.
You should also avoid using beet juice if you are prone to calcium oxalate stones in your kidneys since beets possess high levels of oxalate. Drink a tall glass of water with 1/2 lemon juice every morning. This will stimulate liver enzymes and the stomach to make more acid allowing for the breakdown of more fats.

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